more about fees
Clients sometimes ask,
“Why a fee-based approach and
not an hourly rate?”
Therapeutic placement work requires a deep knowledge in a field that is forever influx. Therefore, to be great at what we do, we must dedicate a significant portion of our time to maintaining up-to-date expertise. The bulk of our work is behind the scenes. Yes, we will guide you and find the right program for your child, but we’ll also weed out all the wrong places that you’ll never know about.
more about fees
I have toured over 600 programs in the past 5 years, (including virtual tours during Covid). Every year I run site visits on roughly 60+ programs. The cost of this travel and tour time is borne by me alone, as I do not receive renumeration for any referrals from schools and programs. Also during this time, I am not able to see clients, rendering an hourly billing system ineffective.es here
Program staff, executive directors, clinical directors change, and with them the culture of a program shifts. “Program Expertise” is housed in the staff. I spend time getting to know who these people are, learn about their background, commitment, strengths and nuances. This is critical time to know enough to enable me to place students with appropriate program staff.tion text goes here
Along this bumpy road that is a treatment journey, families are often in need of specialty resources – ranging from insurance billing, interventions, IEP advocates, special education attorneys, and transportation teams to out-of-the-box treatment planning, intensives, etc. I spend time forming these valuable relationships that are ready if and when you need.on text goes here
Every other month, I’m in attendance at a variety of subject matter conferences, frequently the only EC in attendance. I go in part because I am a life long learner, but it is also extremely helpful to note which programs are actually sending their staff for training, presenting to their peers, and notably, who is not active at all.scription
Lastly, I maintain a solid consultant network with two organizations, TCA and IECA, attending 3-4 hours per week in case consultation meetings. This network is invaluable, as we keep one another updated as to program and staff shifts, as well as sharing valuable outcome data.