We work with families to help children & young adults who struggle with obstacles like:

• ADHD & Learning Differences
• Anxiety & Depression
• Attachment / Adoption
• Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
• Behavioral Challenges
• Bipolar and other mood disorders.
• Defiance / Running Away
• Failure to Launch
• Isolation / School Refusal
• OCD and other anxiety disorders
• Personality Disorders
• Pornography Addiction
• Psychosis & Schizophrenia
• Self-harm
• Sexual acting out
• Substance Abuse & Addiction
• Suicidal Ideation & Attempts
• Technology Addiction
how we work
It’s imperative that we understand your current situation: from stressors and social-emotional experiences to developmental and family histories. We begin by interviewing parents, your child, therapists, psychiatrists, doctors, and other involved individuals.
We review past interventions, evaluate psychological and academic testings and assessments. We gauge which programs and schools from all over the country, are most appropriate to consider, confer with academic and clinical teams, and prequalify your child’s admittance.
After working with you to define the plan, we narrow the options to the best clinical and academic match. You can make your selection with the comfort of knowing the choices are fully vetted and dedicated to your goals.
Program Recommendation
We will not only monitor and collaborate with the treatment team, but also liaison with you for clear communication regarding the care your loved one’s care. There may be bumps along the way and we will be there for you.
Ongoing Support

“I’ll be with you on your journey, offering guidance and empathy.”
continuum of care Options
The following are common categories for levels of mental health care treatment.
Regardless of where your loved one begins, shifting to a higher or lower level of care may be recommended.
Assessment & Stabilization Programs are often the first step in treatment. Why? Because they offer a supportive, residential environment to stabilize a young person. They not only have appropriate behavioral and therapeutic interventions, but also have the ability to assess the need for medications and proper medication-assisted therapy. Their testing methods, treatments, and future-care planning most often use an integrated team of clinicians including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and academic specialists.
Nature-based treatment programs are a unique way to intervene in a young person’s life. Being in nature, away from social media, peer influences, stressors and even the family system can significantly help a young person focus on therapeutic treatment. Clinical expertise combined with small peer groups create an environment for intensive, individualized treatment. Being outdoors automatically drops cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and can bring a sense of peace as your young person dives into individualized therapeutic care with small peer groups. Nature-based programs bring safety from risky behaviors and help young people gain insight into their individual emotional needs and issues. Young people find themselves in profound, lasting ways.
Family work is also a key component of nature-based programs. Your family will engage in the therapeutic process in parallel. The programs we recommend offer therapeutic and psychiatric care by licensed professionals and well-trained staff who will assess your child whi provide intensive treatment and future-care planning.
Therapeutic Boarding Schools (TBS) and Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) provide longer term structure, clinical work, and accredited academics. In many ways TBS’s and RTC’s are similar in that the goal is to get young people back on track through the integration of academics, specialized clinical support, and a larger peer group. That being said, in very general terms, RTC’s are more structured than TBS’s and offer a higher level of care and support.
In both, there are teams of staff who work together across residential, academic, and clinical modalities to provide a cohesive treatment experience. These types of programs can care for a wide variety of issues, mental health concerns, and learning challenges. Also, rolling admissions allows such programs to accept your child when you need them to. After completion, the hope is for students to return home and/or to a more traditional model of education.
Straightforward Substance Use Treatment Programs offer a wide variety of methodologies. Some programs are based on the traditional 12-step treatment model, but for adolescents and young adults, integrating a robust mental health component is key.
It should be noted that at this age range, there are not as many programs that are truly making a difference in the lives of young people with a dependency on substances. Programs with the best outcomes offer strong psychiatric support and integrated family involvement.
Some young people have specific challenges that require appropriate academic and/or behavioral interventions. Specialized and Alternative Programs offer highly trained practitioners to treat issues such as ASD, ADHD, NVLD, learning differences, intellectual disabilities, and mental health challenges. Alternative approaches to treatmentment can offer targeted care to young people who may not need the intensive work of a Residential Treatment Center, but still require structure. In these types of programs, workshops, intensives, and specialized GAP programs for example, customized teams will work together to help your child find their footing, grow, and heal.
Young Adult Transition Programs are designed to offer a variety of skills to young adults over the age of 18 like: supportive living, clinical support, college skills, vocational skills, sober living, and independent living skills. What these type of programs offer can run the gamut, but often include varying levels of therapeutic work, individual and group therapy, coaching or mentoring, and sometimes 12-step meetings for those in recovery. We like to recommend programs that integrate young adults into the community with jobs, internships, trade classes, and/or college courses, which we feel is a key component to helping your child successfully launch into their life.